ISEAL is the global membership organisation for ambitious, collaborative and transparent sustainability systems. ISEAL is driving collective efforts to tackle the most pressing sustainability issues and create a world where markets are a force for good.

“IE Digital are a pleasure to work with, they stuck to project deadlines, delivered on time, and collaborated well – as a result, considering the tight timescales to deliver this project, it really did run smoothly.”
Suzanne Clift
Senior Manager, Communications, ISEAL
Before we landed
IE Digital originally took on the support and ongoing development of ISEAL’s old Drupal 6 website in 2014. As well as general maintenance we provided digital advice spanning a number of projects, including a Business Stories microsite.
The challenge we were set
In 2017, ISEAL gave us the job of replacing the old public-facing website with a more modern, mobile friendly site. They wanted to attract new members and stimulate more active engagement with visitors. A separate phase 2 project will follow, to develop a new community site for ISEAL’s sustainability standards members.
The difference we made
- User journey mapping and creation of a new brand messaging matrix to address each key audience.
- Clearer signposting for ISEAL’s four key audiences: Sustainability Standards, Businesses, Governments and Researchers.
- A cleaner, less cluttered design giving more room for content to breathe.
- An extensive toolset within the Drupal 8 CMS, giving ISEAL real flexibility in how it structures and organises its pages.
- Filter-driven faceted search gives a comprehensive way to explore over 500 public resources, which were buried layers deep in the old site navigation.
- Prominent call to action to “Get Involved”, with an action-based quicklinks menu on every page to drive more active engagement.