CSH Surrey

Central Surrey Health was the first independent social enterprise to emerge from the NHS. It provides NHS community nursing and therapy services in the houses, schools, clinics and hospitals of the 290,000 strong population of central Surrey.

“IE is excellent at ensuring they understand the business needs and objectives. They researched our audiences to ensure the website will meet users’ needs, and then created a great looking site that has since received fantastic feedback internally and externally.”
Rebecca Jones
Communications Manager, CSH Surrey
Before we landed
IE had already been commissioned to evaluate CSH Surrey’s brand and re-position them as a ‘front of mind provider’ in order to deliver their target three-fold growth within five years. After a listening exercise, IE re-branded and re-named CSH Surrey, measurably contributing to their successful tender for a 5 year £110m contract with NHS Surrey.
The challenge we were set
Following this success IE was invited to apply the new brand thinking to CSH Surrey’s website, to design and build a site that would measurably deliver against their strategic objectives. CSH Surrey’s old site prioritised GPs and commissioners over patients. Information architecture was weak; user journeys were complex and confusing.
The difference we made
Initial trigger surveys were conducted to determine users and their motivations. Local people wanting information on their local services were identified as the primary user group.
User experience and effectiveness has been massively improved. The site has received excellent feedback from stakeholders and has been shortlisted for ‘Best Website’ at the AHCM Communicating Health Awards.