
CCG Foundation Package Offer

For a limited time only, IE is offering a ‘Foundation Package’ website to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) which will enable them to quickly establish a credible web presence at a significantly reduced fee.

These new sites will be built on the same platform as IE’s other award winning NHS websites and will provide CCGs with a firm foundation from which they can scale up and evolve as they develop.

Every Foundation Package includes:

  • Customised website built on the world’s leading CMS solution
  • Compelling homepage featuring all key information and calls to action
  • Access to an experienced Digital Consultant throughout the production process
  • Content professionally laid out and fully updatable
  •  Full site search and on-page translation
  •  About section with additional ‘Who’s who’ gallery
  • Contact Module including contact form, multi-contact directory and optional Google  location map
  •  Downloads/Publications directory
  •  Google Analytics integration to capture all your user stats to inform on-going development
  •  Legal Pack including terms and conditions, privacy policy, cookie compliance and medical disclaimer.

For more details on this package, get in touch with one of IE’s Digital Consultants on 0121 693 8700 or drop us an email at